Understanding the plugin
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As explained before, the plugin manages the map's creation and updates but the shader needs to see this map on the screen without the player having it in his main or off-hand.
To achieve this we spawn client side item frames, with the map equipped, all around the player.
Client side means that the serve won't be affected at all by performance issues.
In this case, neither the client will suffer, we tested it with our dev's trash pc.
The grid map layout is not casual and there's a reason for that - when the player moves his head or changes his pov to the minimum he still has to see the map on a portion of his screen, even if a minimum part, otherwise, the shader won't be able to render it.
Limitation: There's no way to render the map if the player is suffocating into a wall!
To display map's frames we used the same system, we spawn another layout of maps for each actual map.
You don't actually see it, but behind these floating maps there's another empty map with the frame's texture colored on top!