
Everything you need to know about bars mechanics!

  length: 8
  mode: dynamic
    starting-color: "&#29ffed"
    intensity: 30
    high: "&#00FF00"
    medium: "&#FFFF00"
    low: "&#FF0000"
    frame: "\uE024"
      unicode: "\uE025"
      negative_space: 38
      negative_spaces: "%img_offset_-4%"
    background: "\uE026"
    remove-background: "\uF815\uF815\uF805%health%\uF80E"

Set how many inner to interpolate in the bar.

Negative Spaces

Allows you to set how many shifting shifting unicodes to interpolate between the frame and the inner in order to properly link the textures together without gaps between them!

Remove Background

Allows you to use a trick to remove the black overlay you see see behind every hologram!

The trick is using a -500 unicode as prefix and a +511 as suffix.

Dynamic Mode

By using the Dynamic mode the plugin will automatically diminish the lightness of a color for each new bar, you can set a starting color in starting-color.

We suggest to use colors with max saturation possible.

The intensity is how darker each set of bar should be.

For instance, If the color is 255,255,255 and the intensity is 30 the plugin will subtract 30 points for each RGB code.

255,255,255 intensity is 30 => 255-30,255-30,255-30

Avoid using Dynamic mode for entities with insane HP levels.

For the best result set the intesity to 30 and don't go over 120HP

Percentage Mode

By using the Percentage mode the plugin will use just one bar that will display 3 different colors based on the entity HP level.

Last updated